5 tips for running in the cold in winter

5 tips for running in the cold in winter

For more fun. Be careful, however.

It’s hard to go for a run when the thermometer reads negative temperatures. However, it is an opportunity to see nature in other colors, inhale good smells, discover new sensations or get in shape for the day. But playing sports in cold weather cannot be improvised and requires certain precautions to avoid illness and injury, and even serious health concerns. Here are some practical tips to do it in the best conditions and make your winter running session more enjoyable.
You may have noticed it: the number of athletes practicing running tends to decrease with the air temperature. Below 0 ° C, they are rare. It must be said that running during the cold season is not always a pleasure. The days are shorter, often gray and the sun’s rays less darting. There is the cold to face when it is not an icy wind or rain or snow. The physical effort is more difficult, the breathing unpleasant.

Choosing to go for a run under these conditions requires a certain determination. If you are one of those who prefer to stay warm, rest assured, it’s normal! However, winter outings can be enjoyable and bring you a lot of fun, as long as you follow a few important rules.
Running in the cold cannot be improvised. Watch out for health risks!
Running is beneficial for your health, provided you do it in the right conditions. In winter, when it is cold, certain precautions must absolutely be taken to avoid illnesses, injuries but also serious health concerns (asthma and cardiovascular diseases in particular). This is especially important after 40 years.

The risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases increases when you practice a sport in negative temperatures ( learn more ). The frozen air, by irritating the bronchi, can also trigger asthma attacks in some people.

Less serious, but still unpleasant and painful, the risk of injury (strains, tendonitis) increases with the drop in temperature. Not very cold weather, you can also catch frostbite on the extremities (hands, feet, nose, ears).

It is for these reasons primarily that running in cold weather, especially below -5 ° C, should not be taken lightly. To take no risk, it is necessary to cover yourself well, warm up before departure and avoid intense efforts.

Whatever your situation, we recommend that you seek medical advice before starting, especially if you are over 40 or new to or returning to a sport.

Learn more about the risks of running in winter: Are there any risks in playing sports in the cold in winter?

Here are some practical tips to prepare yourself and make the most of this beautiful season that is winter. We have grouped them and classified them into 5 main categories.

Tip n ° 1: before the race: prepare yourself properly!

Find the motivation

Going for a run when it’s cold is a matter of courage. However, many athletes do it and find it fun. Is it related to their goodwill? No, but rather to a motivation: that of deriving more benefits by going for a run than by staying at home warm. If you are reading this article, is it because you already have some motivation or perhaps it is still insufficient to take the plunge? Imagine the benefits you would get from a little jog in the snow or in the forest when everything is frozen. The pleasure of inhaling the good smells of the forest, the humus or the resin of the fir trees? The happiness of hearing the snow crack under your feet or sink into carpets of leaves? The joy of working out early on Saturday morning or seeing a beautiful sunrise when some are still in bed, tired of a festive evening a little drunk? The satisfaction of losing a few extra pounds, staying in shape or just getting some color back after a busy week? If you lack motivation, read our filesWhy run in winter, in the cold? , 3 keys to motivate yourself by setting SMART goals and 6 tips to motivate yourself to play sports and persevere .
Warm up in the warm before setting off

The warm-up aims to prepare the body for the effort: warming up the muscles, tendons and synovia of the joints, opening of the small blood capillaries oxygenating the muscles, preparation of the heart for the effort.


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